miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Disoluciones tampón - Khan Academy - Crash Course Chemistry

Buffers, the acid rain slayer: In this episode, Hank talks about how nutty our world is via Buffers! He defines buffers and their compositions, talks about carbonate buffering systems in nature, acid rain, pH of buffers, and titration. Plus, a really cool experiment using indicators to showcase just how awesome buffers are. Writers: Kim Krieger & Edi Gonzalez Chief Editor: Blake de Pastino Consultant: Dr. Heiko Langner Director/Editor: Nicholas Jenkins Sound Designer: Michael Aranda Graphics: Thought Cafe

pH y pOH - Khan Academy - Crash Course Chemistry

pH and pOH: In this episode, Hank goes over Reversible Reactions, the water dissociation constant, what pH and pOH actually mean, Acids, Bases, and Neutral Substances as well as the not-so-terrifying Logarithms, strong acids, weak acids, and how to calculate pH and pOH. Oh, and litmus paper! Writers: Edi Gonzalez Chief Editor: Blake de Pastino Consultant: Dr. Heiko Langner Director/Editor: Nicholas Jenkins Sound Designer: Michael Aranda Graphics: Thought Cafe

Acidos y bases - Khan Academy - Crash Course Chemistry

Acid-base reactions in solution: Last week, Hank talked about how stuff mixes together in solutions. Today, and for the next few weeks, he will talk about the actual reactions happening in those solutions - atoms reorganizing themselves to create whole new substances in the processes that make our world the one we know and love. This week, we focus on acids and bases and their proton-exchanging ways. Writers: Kim Krieger & Hank Green Chief Editor: Blake de Pastino Consultant: Dr. Heiko Langner Director/Editor: Nicholas Jenkins Sound Designer: Michael Aranda Graphics: Thought Cafe

martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Equilibrio ácido-base

En este ENLACE podéis abrir el documento compartido para volcar los contenidos teóricos del tema de ácidos y bases. Buscamos definiciones claras y concretas y material audiovisual y/o interactivo que permita el estudio independiente de la teoría. Al final del documento debéis poner los enlaces a las páginas consultadas, para citarlas.

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Problema de equilibrio para mañana

El tetróxido de dinitrógeno se disocia en dióxido de nitrógeno en una reacción ligeramente endotérmica. Se introduce en un matraz de 250 mL, 0.0002 moles de tetróxido. Alcanzado el equilibrio de disociación, la presión encontrada es de 240 mm de Hg a 2534 K. Calcular: a) las presiones parciales de cada gas; b) el valor de Kp.